It’s that time of the year: sniffles, sore throats, coughing, and well, you get it. Oh and I get it too…unfortunately. These viral colds typically last 7-10 days with days 2-5 being the worst. So I decided to do some research on how to help my family fight a virus more effectively. And over the course of the past year, I’ve “experimented” on myself and them and have found a natural way to shorten the length of the typical viral cold.
Before we go any further, I need to make sure you remember that I am not a medical doctor. Really, I promise that I’m not secretly a doctor posing as a DIY enthusiast. All jokes aside…please consult with your doctor regarding your health. These are just some natural solutions that have worked for my own family.
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The key to these natural solutions working most effectively is starting them immediately upon starting to feel sick. You know, that ache in the back of your throat, the nose that starts running, the headache that sneaks up on you. Whatever first sign that your body typically shows you…that’s the best time to start these.
Three Ways to Cut a Viral Cold Short:
1. Elderberry Syrup
As per the directions on this elderberry syrup, you can take 1 teaspoon every 2 hours, but don’t exceed 5 teaspoons in a day. We typically do doses of 1 teaspoons, 3-4 times in a day. Elderberry syrup should be stored in your refrigerator upon opening. {Click HERE for this product.}
2. Liquid Echinacea
I’ve heard about echinacea for years and it never seemed to help my body fight a virus, until…I discovered this liquid echinacea. I cannot say enough great things about the liquid version. Taken in between meals and at bedtime has been the best times for our family. So, typically, a dose in between breakfast and lunch, the next dose in between lunch and dinner, and the last dose right before bed.
What constitutes a dose? One dropper-full in 2 ounces of water. It’s barely visible in the water, but it will appear slightly tinted. You will be able to taste it though. I’ll be honest, it’s not a family favorite when it comes to taste, but everyone has felt how effective it is, so a few seconds is completely worth a little “herby” taste. {Click HERE for this product.}
3. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) with “the mother”
This little concoction is a powerhouse, my friend. The apple cider vinegar (ACV) is incredible at boosting your immune system. But, please be sure to get the right ACV. It must: be organic and contain the mother. The what? We’ll skip the scientific explanation and go with: look for little gunky floaties on the bottom of the jar.
Now for the recipe:
1-2 cups of warm water {the amount of water is not important, it just depends upon how strong you want the drink to be}
1-2 pinches of Himalayan sea salt {if you just have regular table salt on hand, you can use that…but when you are feeling better, switch your salt over to this kind}
1-3 dollops of honey {I use a honey dipper, but you can use teaspoons or tablespoons. Again, it just depends upon your preference. And I would highly recommend using a raw or local honey source, if possible.}
1-2 Tablespoons of ACV {I use 2 Tablespoons for adults and really sick teenagers and 1 Tablespoon for mildly sick teeangers and children.}
Stir the salt, honey, and ACV into the warm water and drink it right away. I’ll be upfront: if you aren’t used to ACV, it will not be pleasant. But, this solution is incredible at boosting your immune system in order to fight the common viral cold. We have found that drinking this first thing in the morning before breakfast and 1-2 other times during the day is the most effective.
{Click HERE for the ACV and HERE for the sea salt.}
We’re always going to get viral colds, but by following these natural solutions it really is possible to shorten your symptoms. As I mentioned earlier, the typical cold lasts 7-10 days with days 2-5 having the worst symptoms. At times, by following this regime, we have been symptom-free by day 3!
I always have everything on hand for all of these so that we can start fighting a cold the moment it first appears. These, along with proper rest and hydration have been an incredible immune-boosting solution for our family and I hope it helps yours too!
Edit: Since this post, I have discovered Traditional Medicinals Tea and it has been another amazing resource to kick our immune systems into gear!
Great tips!! I told my daughter that next fall/winter I want to plan better for cold season to have things here to already be prepared. I always have ACV but I am definitely checking out the others. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Great tips! We do 2 Tbsp ACV with 1 tsp ground ginger and add water and a little bit of honey or organic ground stevia. It helps get that ACV down :).