Is it a sure sign of adulthood {or oldness} when a new appliance has you all giddy? If so, consider me a 100 year old at this point! {And no offense to my readers who are 100 years old!} We hadn’t seen this one coming, but a kitchen update included a new refrigerator. In our previous homes, we just used whatever refrigerator came with the house. The plan was going to be the same here. Until we got here. And used the fridge. Sure, it was super gross and looked like a dark hole inside {and maybe outside too}. I can deal with ugly and dirty, but…the seal was broken and the temperature inside was not working properly.
My go-to was to search Craigs List and Facebook Marketplace. I quickly realized that we would not be doing ourselves any favors by going that route. Nothing would be an upgrade from what we were currently using.
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This is when that “margin” I keep talking about came in. We were able to put a little cushion in our budget to allow for upgrades {like a new refrigerator} when we sold our farmhouse. That’s when I began shopping. I quickly realized that the inventory in stores was nowhere near what it is online. That’s good for shopping from home in your pj’s. But a little frustrating for those of us {like me!} who like to see and touch something before dropping quite a bit of money on it.
I began to do a bit of research and we decided that we should purchase it from somewhere that offered free delivery. With all the projects we have going on right now…along with the fact that we don’t have a truck…convenience was going to win out. We also hoped to have our old refrigerator taken away too. Again, convenience was the best option for us at this time.
Because I don’t want to speak negatively about any other stores out there, I’m going to stick with what refrigerator we purchased, why, and where we got it from.
Let’s jump into which refrigerator: I settled on the Whirlpool 22.07-cubic feet Bottom Freezer/Refrigerator with Ice Maker in stainless steel. (Model #: WRB322DMBM)
Why this refrigerator? First, it came down to dimensions. The space we currently have in our kitchen only allows for a certain amount of inches. That was the number one consideration. Yes, we will eventually give our kitchen a makeover, but there are no immediate plans or design for it. {I do feel that this refrigerator will work just fine in any redesign though.}
If you are looking for a new refrigerator: meticulously measure your space and then compare it to the refrigerator specifications. Also consider your exterior door width as it will need to get inside your house. 😉
Were the dimensions the only reason for this specific refrigerator? No. My first choice has been a bottom freezer for a long time…ever since we left the one in our house back in PA. Honestly, I don’t know why companies even make ones with freezers on the top. {No offense if that is your preference, but I would rather have the space I go into a million times a day at eye level.}
My husband and mom were surprised that I had settled on a stainless steel refrigerator. I wasn’t looking for stainless steel. White has been my go-to, so that color was my first choice. Ironically…some refrigerator models were priced lower in stainless steel than white! When it came down to it…once I settled on this model and purchasing it at Lowe’s, the stainless steel was available for delivery in a few days. The white would take a few weeks longer. The price difference at the time wasn’t too vast, so I went for it.
Yes, I know, now the other appliances need to match the refrigerator. Well, guess what? Currently, there is only one other appliance in our kitchen. And that is the range oven. Wait, what? No dishwasher? No dishwasher. Friends…I thought it would be a little homesteading adventure not having a dishwasher. I jumped into it with all the happy feels. Ummm…10 days in and I really want a dishwasher! There I said it. I like my convenience and my appliances. No shame.
And your next question is: will you be getting a dishwasher? I wish. But, probably not right now. My husband has a long to-do list already and there is plumbing and electrical work that would be needed for a dishwasher. There is also the fact that the kitchen cabinets are not arranged in a way that would make it easy to install a dishwasher. So, if you need me…I’ll be standing at my sink washing dishes.
Back to the refrigerator: I love it. Yes, it’s only been a day. But, it is almost exactly like our previous bottom freezer refrigerator, so I know that it will work out wonderfully. Also, I can finally now fit my kombucha pitcher in a refrigerator (it was too tall for the other one).
I do want to add one thing about researching a refrigerator. Reviews are great. But…they shouldn’t be the only reason for your decision. I like to look at negative reviews to see if there is a common thread, complaint, or issue. But beyond that, people are going to have their own opinion. For example: there were quite a few complaints about this refrigerator being so loud from the first day. I was a little worried, but that concern was completely unfounded. It is the quietest machine in my house!
Besides the issue of the previous refrigerator not working {as well as it did in 1985}, a new fridge will serve our family and anyone who walks through our doors well. My heart desires to open our home {and hearts} and enjoying meals together is one of the best ways to do that. I want friends, family, neighbors, and anyone who comes to our house to feel loved and cared for.
I’m not quite sure what this vision looks like for our family in this new neighborhood. But, I want our home to be a place to gather with friends. An overnight destination for family. A cozy retreat for those who need it. A place to laugh and cry. A light to those around us. A safe haven for anyone who needs loved on.
And feeding bellies feels like a great way to begin…
♥ Leigh
I came across a Facebook post and reacquainted myself with your DIYs! They look great! Your hope for caring for your neighborhood is something on our heart as well. This podcast was sooooo good (and the associated book, the Gospel Comes with a Housekey by Rosaria Butterfield). But honestly, the podcasts are great dish washing companions 🙂 Family Life Today podcast, August 20, 21, and 22 2018. Hope you are well.
Aww, thank you for popping over, Christina! Hope you all are doing well. I actually recently bought her book and have been slowly reading through it. I’ll have to look for the podcast…thanks for that tip! ♥